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Ways to Reduce Your Employee’s Overtime

Mon, 30 Jan 2023

Ways to Reduce Your Employee’s Overtime

Ways to Reduce Your Employee’s Overtime

Are your employees feeling overwhelmed and drained from the stress of work?

Burnout is a growing problem in the modern workplace that can impact employee morale and productivity.

Poor employee mental health can have devastating consequences on businesses, leading to expensive lawsuits and huge losses due to high turnover.

There comes a time when employees reach their breaking point. Stressed, overwhelmed, and buried under the workload, they are “burnt out.”

This burnout doesn’t just hurt our feelings; it harms performance. When employees don’t have enough energy to function correctly, projects get off-track, and deadlines are missed. So how can you handle this quickly before your bottom line takes a hit?

Thankfully, the importance of employee mental health has gained far more attention in the last few years.

As an employer or manager, you must pay attention to your employee’s mental health and help them get any rest and recovery needed to stay productive at work.

Read on if you want to learn more about assisting your exhausted employees.

What Does Employee Burnout Mean?

Burnout among employees occurs due to prolonged and intense stress, leading to physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.

It can result from workplace factors such as long hours, high workloads, lack of control over work tasks, and conflicting demands.

Symptoms include fatigue, apathy, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and decreased motivation.

Why Can Employee Burnout Harm Your Company in the Long Term?

Employee burnout can have a significant negative impact on your business. Burned-out employees are more likely to be less productive, take more sick days, and have higher rates of absenteeism.

This can lead to decreased morale among other employees and a decrease in customer satisfaction due to lower quality of work.

Additionally, high turnover rates caused by employee burnout can result in costly recruitment and training costs for your company.

Finally, employee burnout can lead to legal issues such as wrongful termination lawsuits or discrimination claims if the problem is not appropriately addressed.

If left unchecked, these conditions can lead to a decrease in overall productivity and profitability.

Strategies for Assisting Employees Who are Suffering from Burnout

Here are some tips for helping employees who are experiencing burnout:

1. Encourage Mental Breaks

A great way to combat worker fatigue is to give employees the opportunity for mental breaks during the work day.

This could mean providing them with breaks to walk around, listen to music, or even take a nap. It’s essential to ensure that these breaks are scheduled and not just brought in the middle of a task to avoid workflow interruptions.

Allowing employees to take mental breaks will enable them to recharge and come back to their tasks with more energy and enthusiasm.

2. Allow Flexibility with Working Hours

Enabling your employees to choose their hours can be beneficial in avoiding overburdening them.

Allowing them to come to work earlier if they want to or take a more extended lunch break can help them feel less stressed and more in control of their day. It also gives them the opportunity to take care of their personal needs or errands when their schedule allows.

This will help them feel more balanced and less burnt out.

3. Promote Self-Care

Burnout can severely impact an employee’s mental health, so it’s important to promote self-care.

Encourage employees to take regular breaks throughout the day and make time for activities that help them relax and recharge.

Depending on the company’s budget and the employee’s preferences, you might offer a yoga or meditation class during the lunch hour, a massage or spa day, or reimburse employees for attending an art or music class.

When people feel taken care of, they are more likely to be productive and motivated.

4. Reinforce the Importance of Rest

Taking time off to rest and relax is just as important as working hard. Encourage your employees to take regular breaks, vacations, and days off to recharge.

Let them realize that taking time off from work shows strength, not incapability.

This will show that you genuinely value their well-being and recognize the importance of rest. It will also make them more productive and creative when they return to work.

5. Address the Root Causes

The fifth step in helping employees who are burnt out is to address the root causes of their exhaustion.

This may involve taking stock of your employees’ workloads to determine if they are overworked, being asked to do too many different tasks, or if any external factors contribute to their fatigue.

Once these root causes are identified, you can work with your employees to devise a plan to address them. This may involve redistributing work, offering additional resources, or introducing new policies or procedures to streamline workflows.

Additionally, providing additional support and resources, such as counselling, can help employees cope with the underlying causes of their burnout.

6. Provide Resources for Stress Management

Start by ensuring that your employees feel comfortable talking about their stress and how it impacts their work. Offer stress management courses, seminars, or webinars that employees can attend to learn more about how to manage their stress.

Encourage your employees to utilize these resources to assist them in figuring out how to handle stress more effectively. You may also consider bringing in a dedicated professional to work with them one-on-one.

Finally, make sure that employees know there are support systems in place if they need help managing their stress.

7. Allow Employees a Sabbatical

A sabbatical is a period of leave that an employee can take to rest and recharge, often lasting several months to a year.

During a sabbatical, the employee can take time away from the job to focus on their mental and physical health, learn new skills, travel, or explore other interests.

This can help give them the much-needed break from their regular duties and responsibilities, allowing them to come back to work feeling refreshed and energized.

8. Develop a Culture of Openness and Understanding

Creating a culture of openness and understanding is key to helping employees who are burned out.

Employees should feel comfortable discussing their stress and fatigue levels with their supervisors and colleagues without fear of repercussions—Foster collaboration among your employees to build a positive work environment.

Encourage employees to take breaks, take vacations, and take advantage of mental health days. Show your employees that it is okay to take time off and that it is not a weakness.

Openly discuss any related topics related to burnout and ensure employees are aware of the mental health resources available to them.


Overall, burnout is a real concern for many employees and employers alike.

However, with proactive strategies and understanding the causes, organizations can help employees manage their stress levels, achieve a healthy work-life balance, boost morale, and keep productivity levels high.

At Upscale, we understand the importance of employee wellness and, therefore, strive to create a workplace environment conducive to productivity and well-being.

As companies grow, so does the hiring. Our expansive database of potential hires can help you locate the ideal candidate for your business.

Go to www.upscale.my to learn more.
